Danny Acord- Superintendent
Misty Emmons- Principal
Erin Mathes- Encumbrance Clerk/Supt. Secretary
Millie Peterson- Treasurer / Supt. Secretary
Miranda Murfin- PK Teacher
Sydnie Stambaugh- PK Teacher
Shelby Maston- PK Para- Professional
Candy Hill- KG Teacher
Jessica Durbin- 1st Grade Teacher
Vicki Case- 2nd grade Teacher
Bethani Byford- 3rd grade Teacher (Reading, L.A., Social Studies, Elective- Art)
Jordan Sullins- 3rd grade Teacher (Math, Science, Social Studies, Elective- Keyboarding)
Jennifer Anderson- 4th, 5th, and 6th Math Teacher / 4th Reading, Elective- Sewing)
Keri Acord- 4th, 5th, and 6th Social Studies, 6th Reading and L.A., Elective- Media / Music Recorders
Matt Lakey- 4th and 5th Reading and L.A., 4th Social Studies, Elective- Life Skills / Keyboarding
Jessica Reece- 4th, 5th, and 6th Science, 4th small group reading, Elective- STEM
Wesley Bryon- Special Education Teacher Upper Elementary
Alice Castleberry- Early Childhood Special Education
Shelley Lyon- Librarian
Sabrina McDow- Para Professional, Bus Driver, P.E.
Cal Harelson- 4th L.A., HS L.A., HS Football Assistant
Tabatha Hyde- Elementary Secretary
Beth Place- JH/HS Secretary, bus driver, 4H Leader
Cathy Lakey- Counselor
Robert Carroll- AG Teacher
Cindy Acord- JH/HS Science, HS Aviation II, III, & IV
Brian Willingham- JH SS, HS Government, Aviation I, E-SPORTS
Magan Keeling- HS History, JH Health, Credit Recovery
Ambery Berry- JH English, HS Spanish
Pam Jordan- JH/HS Special Ed teacher, English I teacher, 7th Science Teacher
Heather Gaylord- HS English Teacher, Outdoor Ed Teacher, World Literature, JH Head SB Coach
Mike Case- JH/HS Math Teacher, Assistant JH and HS Baseball
Rachel Hammock-HS Financial Literacy, Speech, Yearbook, 7th Reading, HS Current Events, Head HS Cheer Coach
John Greenfield- Drivers Ed, HS Health, JH Head FB Coach, HS Head FB Coach
Jaylen Johnson- Elementary PE, 7th grade SS, JH Boys Head Basketball Coach, HS Boys Head Basketball Coach
C.A. Wilson- Elementary PE, Assistant JH Boys, HS Boys football and basketball coach.
Grant Powell - JH and HS Head Baseball Coach
Alice Brauer- Elementary Custodian
James Jackson- JH/HS Custodian
Melonie Simon- COOP Van driver, Sports Facility Custodian
Joyce Sartain- Bus Driver
Rusty Clark- Head of Maintenance
Jerrod Blakely- Maintenance, JH girls SB assistant coach
James Wunderlich- maintenance / groundskeeper
Felicia Berry-cafeteria
Toshia Dunn-cafeteria
Allie Goforth-cafeteria
Sylvia Adkins-cafeteria